Own companies and organizations

2015 – currently
Company | n’OT | Global. Human. Environment (n´UNDO Technical office). Co-founder

2011 – currently
Organization | n’UNDO Co-founder with Alejandro del Castillo

2009 -11
Organization | Soukala. Co-founder

2004 -10
Architecture office | Batache, SCP. Co-funder with Esmeralda Conejo y Cristina Villamil

2004 -13
Architecture academy | Process for Project. Co-founder with Óscar Valero

Humanitarian world


Consultant| WHO Technical Officer WRE/SHO/OSL HQ

Consultant| UK-MED Emergency Health Structures (by n’OT, own office)


Consultant| WHO Technical Officer WRE/SHO/OSL HQ

Consultant| IOM Haití. Shelter toolkit developer. (by n’OT, own office)

Consultant| IOM Iraq. Shelter and accessibility toolkit developer. (by n’OT, own office)


Technical advisor| UK-MED. WaSH/IPC/Facilities SARI expert. Yemen COVID response. Technical support for the preparation of health infrastructures in WaSH/IPC.

Consultant| UK-EMT, WHO-EMT Secretariat. UK-MED. WaSH/IPC/Facilities COVID-19 expert. Development of technical guidelines and design for the guide Community Facilities for preparedness and response to CVID-19. Isolation, treatment, and step down of COVID-19 cases in community facilities.

Consultant| UK-MED. WaSH/IPC/Facilities COVID-19 expert. Technical assistance to different projects for the adaptation and construction of health infrastructures for COVID’s preparedness and response.

Consultant| UK-MED. WaSH/IPC/Facilities Ebola expert. Ebola preparedness. Technical support for the preparation of health infrastructures in WaSH/IPC and technical support to the MoH and other organisations as CDC. Technical support in WaSH chapters for the MoH guidelines.

Project coordination| Red Cross. Spain. Design and construction of a reception centre for immigrants with an isolation area for COVID. (by n’OT, own office)

Consultant| MDM. Spain. Adaptation in existing facilities for COVID isolation. Improvement of circuits and IPC protocols for COVID emergency at hospitals. (by n’OT, own office)

Consultant| AECID. Technical support for the COVID response in Mozambique. Improvements in facilities in the health system. Emergency.


Technical advisor| MSF – OCBA. WaSH/IPC. Ebola response. DR Congo. Design and construction of a water system in the Ebola treatment centre. Assessment in IPC for primary health centres. Supervision of WaSH and IPC system in different Ebola Treatment Centres. Decommission and dismantle of Ebola Treatment Centre. Emergency.

Consultant| NCA (Norwegian Church Aid). Bangladesh External evaluation WaSH and gender. Bangladesh program 2018-201in Cox´s Bazar. (by n’OT, own office)

Consultant| Spanish Red Cross. Spain. Technical assistance for the implementation of reception centres for people in an emergency. (by n’OT, own office)

External evaluation| HFHE (Habitat for Humanity). Ethiopia Emergency Response to Drought 2016/2017. (by n’OT, own office)


External evaluation| NCA (Norwegian Church Aid). Assessment of European Refugee Crisis 2015-2017. Serbia, Greece, and Macedonia. (by n’OT, own office)

External evaluation| ICF and ECHO Shelter chapter. External Evaluation of the operation of Regulation (EU) 2016/369 on the provision of emergency support in the Union. 2018 (by n´OT, own office)


Project coordinator| Spanish Red Cross. Delegate in Batanes, Philippines. Reconstruction and resilience project for recovery after the typhoon. Emergency.


Technical advisor| Spanish Red Cross. WaSH/Shelter Advisor for response and reconstruction after an earthquake. Ecuador. Construction of 300 temporary shelter solutions. Emergency.


Consultant| MSF Stockholm Evaluation Unit. Ebola Critic Review of design and construction of the Ebola Treatment Centres build by MSF during Ebola crisis. Lesson learned and recommendations. Sierra Leona, Liberia, Guinee.

Technical advisor| Médicos del Mundo. WaSH/IPC Technical supervisor in Ebola Holding Centres, Ebola Treatment Centres and Hospital in Koinadugu District. Sierra Leone. Emergency.


Technical Coordinator| IFCR. Coordinator in the field of design and construction of Ebola Treatment Centre in Kono Sierra Leone. Emergency.

Technical Coordinator| Spanish Red Cross. Sierra Leone. Coordinator in the field of design and construction of Ebola Holding Centre in Koidu Hospital. Emergency.

Technical Coordinator| IFCR. Sierra Leone. Supervision and maintenance of IPC and WaSH system for the Ebola Treatment Centre of Kenema, Emergency.

Technical Coordinator| Spanish Red Cross + IFCR. Sierra Leone. Design and construction of Kenema Ebola Treatment Centre for the IFRC mission. Emergency.

Technical Coordinator| Spanish Red Cross. Spain. Design and set up the Simulation Centre Ebola Treatment Centre within El Plantío, Madrid.


Project coordination| Architects Without Borders. Project Coordinator on site: Improving socio-educational six rural communities in Santa Teresa de Carazo. Construction of schools, dining rooms, and libraries for six communities. Construction water systems.


Technical Coordinator| Jesuit Refugee Service. South Sudan. Coordinator in the Department of Construction in the field of refugees and IDPs in Nimule. Construction of schools. Rehabilitation and improvement in the community buildings, -construction of VIP latrines and Rain Harvest Water System.

Urban Planning and Architecture

2011 – currently

Own organisation | n´UNDO. UNDO. REDO. DO NOT

Essential, necessary, desirable. A proposal for Plaza de España Plaza de España, Madrid. Spain. 2016
Dismantle the real impact. Sustainable procedures for dismantlement, ecological restoration, and evaluation of the Impact of the Life Cycle (EICV) in Marina de Valdecañas project Cáceres, Spain, in collaboration with Ecómetro and Ecologistas en acción. 2015
Preservation, permeability, and density Geneve, Sweden. 2015
Think Sol. Sol, ¿Does it thinks? Puerta del Sol. Madrid, Spain. 2015
Urban screens Connecting cities. Berlín. 2015
Cultural Extraction Kirkenes. Oslo triennial. 2015
Turning non-places Oslo Airport. Oslo Triennial. 2015
Pre-existing in Brussels We traders. Brussels. 2015
Fronteras – Borders Umbral de las Américas. 2014
Architecture made by walking. Ticino riverside. Pavía, Italy. 2014
Conservation, density and complexity Kalmar, Sweden. 2013. First prize Europan XII
Don Benito’s Patio – Don Benito, Badajoz. Spain. 2013. First prize Europan XII
Plan n’UNDO Mediterranean Sea. Awarded BAM012 bio Mediterranean architecture. 2013
Recovering Plaza de la Basílica. Madrid, Spain. 2012. First prize contest Express ASA Arquitectura
Recovering Heritage Villarino de los aires, Salamanca, Spain. 2012
El Algarrobico: The opportunity under the debris. Environmental and socio-economic analysis of the recovery of El Algarrobico beach El Algarrobico beach, Almería, Spain, in collaboration with Greenpeace. 2012

2007 – currently

Own office | VSC.ARQ Architecture studio.

Vivienda unifamiliar. Proyecto completo. C/ Alameda, 52. Alapardo. 2018 | Vivienda. Reforma integral. C/ Bolivia, 11, Madrid. 2018 | Vivienda unifamiliar. Rehabilitación integral. C/ Real, 31. Morata de Tajuña 2017 | Vivienda unifamiliar. Proyecto completo. C/ San Bernardo 4, Yepes. 2016 | Estudio-vivienda. Reforma integral. C/ Juan de Urbieta, 10- Madrid. 2006 | Estudio – vivienda. Proyecto complete C/ Pedro Laborde 28- Madrid. 2007 | Vivienda. Reforma integral C/ Reina- Madrid. 2009 | Bloque de 11 viviendas. Proyecto completo C/ Ciego, 7- Morata de Tajuña. 2008 | Bloque de 4 viviendas. Proyecto completo C/ Nuestra Señora de la Antigua Madrid. 2008 | Vivienda Unifamiliar. Proyecto básico. C/ Doña Petra García. Morata de Tajuña. 2007 | Vivienda Unifamiliar. Proyecto completo. Brincones- Salamanca. 2007 | Vivienda Unifamiliar. C/ Espejo, 21. Morata de Tajuña. 2007 | Vivienda Unifamiliar C/ El Juncal, 8. Morata de Tajuña. 2008 | Vivienda Unifamiliar. C/ Dos, parcela 14. Morata de Tajuña. 2008 | Vivienda Unifamiliar C/ Estrella, 43. Morata de Tajuña. 2009 | Rehabilitación y Reforma integral de vivienda C/ Toril, 7. Morata de Tajuña. 2009

2005 – 2007

Own office | BATACHE Architecture studio. Junto a Esmeralda Conejo y Cristina Villamil.

Stand Tafibra- Auditorio congresos de Madrid. 2005 | Stand Tafibra- Fundación Serralves. 2005 | Aqualia- Feria de Agricultura- IFEMA. 2005 | Smagua Aqualia Feria de Smagua 28-31 de Marzo (Zaragoza). 2006 | Bloque de 6 viviendas-  Avda. Cristo del Amparo, 67- Fuensalida. 2005 | Bloque de 6 viviendas – C/ Barcience, 32 Fuensalida 2005 | Bloque de 10 viviendas – C/ General Mola- Fuensalida. 2005 | Bloque de 6 viviendas – C/ San Gabriel, 26- Fuensalida. 2006 | 7 Viviendas adosadas – C/ Baloncesto- Fuensalida. 2006 | 15 Chalets adosados – Camino Linares 17- Santa Cruz de Retamar. 2006 | Vivienda unifamiliar – C/ Dublín, 45- El Portachuelo- Huecas 2007 | Vivienda Unifamiliar – C/ Paloma, 33 – Fuensalida. 2007 | Vivienda Unifamiliar – C/ Garza, Parcela 26-27- Fuensalida.  2007 | Legalización C/ Pino, 23 – Colmenar de Oreja. 2005


Colaborations | Architecture studios.

Santos García. Proyectos de rehabilitación. 2005 | ATP Arquitectos. Manuel García Tages. Proyectos de edificación 2005 | QVE. Jose Mª García del Monte-Ana Montiel. Proyectos de edificación 2004 | Arquitectos Ayala. Concursos de arquitectura 2004 | LG Arquitectos. Juan Manuel Gonzalo y Joaquín López. Proyectos de edificación 2004 | Maroto e Ibañez. /José L- Maroto – José L- Ibáñez. Proyectos de interiorismo 2003-04 | AA^MM. Alberto Alarcón – Mónica Martínez. Proyectos de edificación. Concursos de arquitectura 2001-2002 | Aurora Herrera. Diseño y montaje de exposiciones. 1999-2003

Contests and awards

2015      Gold medal of the Spanish Red Cross for the ERU team’s work in Ebola.
2014      Europan12. The adaptable city. Kalmar, Sweden. First prize.
2014      Europan12. The adaptable city. Don Benito, Spain. First prize.
2014      Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism Spain. n’UNDO Plan. Selected entry.
2013      Topias. Plan n’UNDO EME. Sant Andreu. Second prize.
2012      Draft Express. Proposal to the square of the Basilica, Madrid. First prize.
2012      BAM012. n’UNDO Plan for the Mediterranean. Second prize: Economy and territory.
2010      Triennial of Architecture of Lisbon. A house in Luanda, patio and pavilion.