Book| Desde la resta. From sustraction. By n’UNDO. ISBN: 978-84-947523-4-6 | Editorial: dpr | December 2017 Ed. Dpr-Barcelona. Co-Author. 2016 DOWNLOAD
Book | No hacer, rehacer, deshacer para construir ciudad. By n’UNDO. ISBN: 978-8410900868 | Editorial: n’UNDO | November 2011. Co-Author. 2024

Guidelines & Technical reports
WHO Manual | Ebola and Marburg treatment centres. Facility design and construction standards for preparing for and responding to outbreaks. Developer under Kamal Ait-Ikhlef coordinator. 9240090088, 9789240090088. World Health Organization. PDF
WHO Manual | Cholera treatment centres. Facility design and construction standards for preparing for and responding to outbreaks. Developer under Kamal Ait-Ikhlef coordinator. World Health Organization. Ongoing.
EMT Guideline| Community Facilities for preparedness and response to CVID-19. Isolation, treatment, and step down of COVID-19 cases in community facilities. WHO / EMT. Contributor: Verónica Sánchez Carrera. 2020. PDF
MSF Technical Report | MSF Ebola Critical Review. EMC Design and Construction. Part I and II. Stockholm Evaluation Unit. MSF – OCB. Author: Verónica Sánchez Carrera. 2016. PDF
Spanish Red Cross Guideline| Design and Construction of Ebola Treatment Centres. Spanish Red Cross. 2015. Co-Author. (Not available in PDF).
click on each image to see the full report
Academical research
Thesis| Emergency Architecture for Infectious Diseases. Critical Analysis and Comparative Study of the Infrastructures Built in Africa during the Ebola Crisis from 2014 to 2019. Autora: Verónica Sánchez Carrera. Tutor: Dr. Roberto Goycoolea Prado. PDF
Academical research| El diseño de los campos de refugiados en los manuales de ayuda humanitaria. Autora. 2013. Tutor: Dr. Roberto Goycoolea Prado. PDF
Academical research| Agua, saneamiento e higiene, desde la emergencia al desmantelamiento de campos de personas refugiadas, y propuesta de construcción de caseta familiar sanitaria mediante capacitación de la comunidad con criterios de habitabilidad básica temporal y ambientalmente sostenibles, para la mejora de la situación de los campos de larga duración. 2011. Autora. Tutora: Arantxa Osés Álvarez. PDF
Other publications
Chapter book – Intervention Strategies from the No Build, Minimisation, Reuse and dismantle. Book: Madrid, central issue. Autonomy and metropolitan region. Editors Julio Vinuesa and Jose María de la Riva. Co-Author. 2014 | Post – Architecture and ebola. Blog Fundación Arquia 2019 | Post – Resilencia y tifones. Blog Fundación Arquia 2017 | Post – Arquitectura y terremotos. Blog Fundación Arquia 2017 | Post – Vicente Patón, gracias. Blog Fundación Arquia 2016 | Post – El urbanismo empieza ahora. Blog Fundación Arquia 2015 | Post – La nota del PFC. Blog Fundación Arquia 2015 | Post – Los mal llamados colectivos. Blog Fundación Arquia 2014 | Post – ¿Cuánto cuesta el PFC?. Blog Fundación Arquia 2014
Publications with n´UNDO
Temporary Becoming Biennial Architecture. 2018 | NO Arquine nº 80. 2017 | El Algarrobico, the opportunity under the debris Industry and Environment. 2016 | Alferrikako megaproiektuak: Egungo hirigintza-fenomenoaren definizioa (Unnecessary megaprojects: the definition of today’s urban phenomenon) Aldiri 23: Pribatu/Publiko. 2015 | Unnecessary megaprojects: Rational and Sustainable Territory. 2015 | Globalized Geopolitics: borders for people Archipills 8. 2015 | Subtraction and No-construction strategies Goethe-Institut Madrid. 2015 | Dismantling as an urban intervention in the formal and informal city: aggression and opportunity ARCADIA III, III Jornadas de Arquitectura y Cooperación. 2014 | Re-definition of Architecture criticism CRITIC ALL. First International Conference on Design and Architectural Criticism. 2014 | Future and emerging trends in the field of urban and territorial reflection Anuari Territorial de Catalunya. Conseqüències d’intervenció d’urban ultisectorial a l’territori català. 2013-2023. 2014 | Atocha. La propaganda esotérica (Atocha. The esoteric propaganda) La Ciudad Viva. 2013 | Babel: from the tribute to the masters to the anonymous authorship of the community. Transversal Landscape Blog. 2013 | The counterform of the city EQUITY 2012. 2012 | La resta como proceso proyectual para la mejora del territorio y la ciudad (Subtraction as a project process for the mprovement of the territory and the city) EQUITY 2012 | Environmental and socio-economic advantages of the recovery of El Algarrobico beach El Eco del Parque, nº 58. 2012 : Developments from enunciation, ways of doing architecture. Congress on Mediterranean Bio-architecture. 2012 | The suitability of the environment Transversalities. 2012 | On an architectural and urban intervention in Lagos Márgenes Arquitectura. 2012 | A n’UNDO Plan for the Mediterranean sea. Book BaM2012. 2012 | Eurovegas Blog de n’UNDO. 2012 | El vacío de la barada (The Barley Emptiness) Blog Campo de la Cebada. 2012 | Nothing is more _ building from renouncement FronteraD. 2012 | Inelegant smart. Blog de Paisaje Transversal. 2012 | Recovering old spaces or building new ones (Recovering old spaces or building new ones) Rational and Sustainable Territory Blog. 2012 | The duty of architecture Blog of n’UNDO. 2011
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